SEND at Mowmacre

At Mowmacre Hill Primary School we are committed to using our best endeavours to provide an appropriate and high quality education for all children which enables them to achieve their best, become confident individuals living fulfilling lives and make successful transition to their next phase of education.

We want to make sure that every child gets the best support we can offer in order to help them enjoy their learning, feel confident and be happy amongst their friends and make the best possible progress.

Every child has individual needs that will affect their learning. Sometimes children need additional support to give them an extra boost or to help them catch up with other children of the same age. They may need this support for a short time or a longer period, but during this time they will be part of our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Register and we will keep a close eye on their progress, look carefully at what special support they need and keep in touch with you.

The Local Offer - Leicester

We can help you find services for children and young people with SEND up to the age of 25. You can start finding services by searching on this website. In addition to helping you find services, the Local Offer:

  • Helps you understand what schools and service providers are required to do for SEND children and young people
  • Helps the parents and carers of young people with SEND find support for themselves
  • Clarifies who is responsible for services for SEND children and young people
  • Gives you the information you need to ensure your SEND child can thrive

If you have any questions about SEND at Mowmacre please contact either:

Donna Wilson (SENDCo)

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress in school, please speak to your child’s class teacher initially

SEND Support Services/useful websites

SENDIASS Leicester is an independent service that offers free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support to parents and carers of young people aged 0-25 with SEND as well as young people themselves. It was created to support families whose children have or may have Special Educational Needs (SEN). In particular, the service aims to explain the processes and procedures associated with Special Educational Needs, and offers information and support to help families understand and navigate their way through the system.

The British Dyslexia Association offer advice and support for children and adults with dyslexia.

ADHD Solutions are an organisation set up to provide information, help and support for children, young people, and adults with ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – their families and anyone who supports them or works with them. They currently work across Leicestershire and Rutland. They are based at St Gabriel’s Community Centre, Kerrysdale Avenue, Rushey Mead, Leicester, LE4 7GH. Telephone: 0116 261 0711. Click here to read their latest newsletter.

If you need any more infomation please contact Donna Wilson via the Mowmacre Hill School office on 0116 235 6350